Biodiversity indices (total abundance, species richness, Shannon-Weaver diversity, Pielou's evenness) of all taxa (also young-of-the-year rockfish and groundfish taxa, and forage taxa) caught in the RREAS (Rockfish Recruitment and Ecosystem Assessment Survey) mid-water trawl. This is a regional average of all net haul stations located from Point Reyes to Monterey CA.
A data frame with 783 rows and 5 variables:
Time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) [6.31152E8, 1.5147648E9]
Taxa () []
Total Abundance (ln(CPUE + 1)) [1.390595, 12.2398]
Abundance Error (ln(CPUE + 1)) [1.744331, 13.34593]
Species Richness (number of species) [1.5, 21.98214]
Species Richness Error (number of species) [1.453661, 7.003501]
Shannon-Weaver Diversity () [0.0696443, 1.690858]
Shannon-Weaver Diversity Error () [0.1325587, 0.8078451]
Pielou's Evenness () [0.03166048, 0.7764255]
Pielou's Evenness Error () [0.05746754, 0.4711267]