Snow-water equivalent data were derived from the California Department of Water Resources snow survey ( and the Natural Resources Conservation Service's SNOTEL sites in WA, OR, CA and ID ( Anomalies of April 1 snow-water equivalents (SWE) for the CCE, calculated as an area-weighted average of data from 5 ecoregions. SWE is a measure of the total water available in snowpack. Measurements on April 1st are considered the best indicator of maximum extent of snowpack.
A data frame with 1332 rows and 5 variables:
Time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) [-1.6094592E9, 1.5778368E9]
1 Apr SWE Anomaly (Annual Anomaly) [-2.187893, 2.455789]
95% credible interval upper bound (Annual Anomaly) [-1.721963, 3.500461]
95% credible interval lower bound (Annual Anomaly) [-2.957523, 2.095322]
Location () []