Bottlenose dolphin abundance CA coastal stock: Estimates from mark-resighting analysis; see Dudzik 1999, Weller et al. 2016. Abundance is calculated from closed population models and averaged over 2 or 3 year intervals. X-axis last year used for each period. Abundance of short-beaked common dolphin, Dall's porpoise, Fin whale, Blue whale, Humpback whale: Estimates from ship-based line transect surveys; see Barlow 2016. Gray whale abundance: Estimates from shore-based counts using baysian model; see Durban et al. 2015, Durban et al. 2017. Southern resident killer whale abundance: Estimates from vessel and shore-based surveys. No error; counts have no error assoicated with them
A data frame with 402 rows and 5 variables:
Time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) [-9.46944E7, 1.4832288E9]
Abundance () [71.0, 1427576.0]
95% credible interval upper bound () [390.0, 39210.0]
95% credible interval lower bound () [230.0, 24420.0]
Coefficient of Variation () [0.044, 0.82]
Common name () []
Scientific name () []