Source Data: Various; see Wells et al. 2014, Table S6. For Oregon and Washington ESUs, data were obtained from the NWFSC's "Salmon Population Summary" database (, with additional data for Oregon Coast coho salmon (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,, and from PFMC (2012) for the Upper Columbia Summer/Fall-run Chinook Salmon. Additional Calculations: Proportion of natural-origin spawners, computed for a single population as the fraction NN/NT, where NN is the number of naturally-origin spawners, and NT is the total number of spawners. Population fractions were then averaged across the populations within the ESU, weighted by total spawner abundance.
A data frame with 187 rows and 5 variables:
Time (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) [1.262304E8, 1.3885344E9]
Population/Season () []
Proportion of natural fish to total fish returning () [0.9189854, 99.35072]
Proportional change in abundance between cohorts () [0.4980789, 2.20522]