ecosystem services
services derived from the system
ecosystem services
Many ecosystem services are gained from the resources in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, primarily from commercial and recreational fishing, tourism, and coastal protection. Key indicators of ecosystem services were the total number of commercial fishing trips from the Keys, the number of economically important species fishing trips, the number of recreational fishing licenses sold in Monroe County, and coastal protection provided by mangrove land cover (slider tool?), and total tourism value Gross Domestic Product. A decline in the total number of commercial fishing trips was seen since 1999, followed by a slow recovery. Total number of commercial grouper and snapper trips also declined, while the total number of lobster trips had large inter year variability. The total number of stone crab trips dropped and then rose, though not to 1999 levels. This trend likely causes less pressure on Sanctuary resources, but may mean that the way of life and income provided by career commercial fishing is more difficult to continue. The number of recreational fishing licenses has stayed relatively stable; however, there have been more non-resident licenses than resident licenses sold in Monroe County since 2010. Recreational fishing continues to be a major economic driver for tourism. There has been an overall loss of mangrove land cover and overall gain in developed land cover, reducing the amount of coastal protection provided by mangrove coastline. The adjusted GDP from the tourism industry in Monroe County continues to rise.
Commercial Fishing Trips
Recreational Fishing Licenses Sold